My first book is now available to order today!


Noticing God While Discerning the Unfathomable 

Available TODAY on Amazon in paperback, hardback, and ebook!

How do we walk a journey of faith  

while holding the earth-shattering pain of this world?  

Our Western culture has taught us that busy lives, more stuff, filtered reels, and inspirational quotes will relieve the pain that cuts deep into our souls. Yet, none of these soothe our agonizing questions of “Why?” to God. 

SOAR explores Brianna Brown’s raw journey through grief, trauma, and loss. Her personal accounts are intertwined with invitations to pause, listen, and notice what’s happening inside of us. This book invites us to wrestle in our doubts and notice dustings of hope—living real life with Jesus. 

With the swirling, instant life of the twenty-first century, there is very little time or room to hold space for grief and loss in our daily lives. SOAR is a space to notice the breath of God in the ashes of life—to discern, pray, and reflect. In learning to journey with both wings of loss and hope—we are released to SOAR.  

As a new author, reviews are vital in helping the message of “Soar” reach more people. I humbly ask that if you’ve read, or listened to “Soar”, to please leave a review on the platform where you accessed the book.

“Come and rest.

Gently sit.




Come and just be loved.

Come and begin to SOAR”